These children were all adopted after they were born.

Although adoption after birth is not the most common, some birth parents approach us after they have tried parenting and are struggling. A Child’s Hope has placed children who are a few months old, toddlers, preschoolers and even children as old as ten.
What we commonly hear in these cases is birth parents having issues making ends meet. Their bills are past due; they may even be facing eviction. Some parents have shared that the long hours they work to pay for daycare leave them little or no time with their child.
Rebecca & Tom’s Story
“Living homeless wasn’t what we wanted for our daughter. We wanted her to have a bed, enough to eat and regularly go to plreschool. It was a hard decision for us. But we shudder to think what would have happened if we didn’t place our daughter for adoption.” – Rebecca & Tom, birth parents
At the time, this couple was jobless, homeless and had no transportation. Their little girl has done extremely well through adoption. The adopting parents and birth parents worked together to help her transition.
Each family has a different reason for choosing adoption. Still, each situation has resulted in a child that has his/her emotional and physical needs met and is living a life that the birth parents wanted for their child. And each adoption has been open so that the birth parents can check-in at any time and see how their child is doing.
Parents of non-newborns have the same rights as all birth parents:
- The right to choose the adoptive parents, meet with them and be sure the family is the right fit for how you want your child to be cared for and raised.
- Not signing until you are ready, and in NC, there is a seven-day waiting period after signing to be sure this is the right choice for you and your child.
- Deciding how much contact you want with your child as they grow and staying in touch by email, texting, social media, or visits
Your child is a precious gift. There are times and situations when sharing that gift through adoption can be a blessing for you, your child, and another family.