A Child's Hope Adoption Agency Raleigh, Greensboro, Asheville NC | A Child's Hope

Celebrating 275 Adoptive Placements!!

Every placement day in our office is a tug at your heart strings sort of day, but when we reach significant numbers here at the agency we are very proud and very happy!

Last week baby Caroline was brought in to meet her adoptive parents for the first time.  She was  the 275th baby that our agency A Child’s Hope has placed for adoption. Each one has been and will always be very special.

We are very proud to have played a part in uniting so many birthparents and waiting adoptive parents over the years.  Adoption is truly a loving way to build a family!

Thank you to all 275 families that have allowed us to be a part of this very special time in their lives!

Do you have a story you’d like to tell?  Email us at blog.ach@foryourlife.com.  Visit us at www.AChildsHope.com, or call our Birth Mother Hotline at 1-877-890-HOPE (4976) so one of our adoption counselors can answer your questions confidentially.

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