A Child's Hope Adoption Agency Raleigh, Greensboro, Asheville NC | A Child's Hope

It’s a Family Affair!

Cindy was joined by her sister on the most special occasion – Placement Day! This photo was taken on Dec. 21, 2012 with the birth mother, birth father and the birth mother’s mom. Ella was 7 days old.

Single mom Cindy will never forget the Christmas of 2012.  Her newborn daughter was placed with her for adoption just four days before Christmas. “The fact that Santa brought me a stork for Christmas was the best gift of all,” said Cindy , who herself is adopted. Cindy’s sister, Janet, joined her at the office on placement day to meet Ella. “No matter the journey, the waiting process is the most difficult to manage,” Cindy explained.  Cindy, an advocate for open adoption, looks forward to having a relationship with the birth family.

A big thank you to Cindy and baby Ella for allowing us to tell the story of their family!

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