A Child's Hope Adoption Agency Raleigh, Greensboro, Asheville NC | A Child's Hope

John & Laura’s Networking Adoption Journey

John and Laura took home their newborn daughter Anna Claire from California in March. They call how they found her a miracle, but it’s really an example of how getting the word out to friends and family that you want to adopt can lead you to an adoption situation.

“We took the courses through My Adoption Advisor, had a new profile and webpage created which was posted to Facebook and we also let friends know we were looking to adopt,” said John.  “A coworker who knew we were looking to adopt located a distant relative on Facebook who had recently adopted via an agency.  In their brief conversation, she shared that she had friends at work who were looking to adopt.   That was it; that was the extent of the conversation. The very next day, the agency’s social worker happened to email the adoptive mother and said that she had two birth mother situations, and was looking for potential adoptive families.  Our friend’s relative forwarded the email to her who sent it to Laura who called and spoke with the social worker.  We shared our profile webpage with the social worker who showed it to the potential birth mother.  Within 24 hours we were matched!”

John and Laura had been waiting since January of 2010 with A Child’s Hope. They had previously worked with another agency for four years prior to signing with A Child’s Hope. “We had already waited for so long for a child, when the opportunity came along to create a new profile and to increase our advertising on a national level, we knew we had to put ourselves out there and give it a try.  So we did everything we could – Facebook, advertising, networking, etc. to get the word out – and it worked. Our daughter is everything we had prayed for”, said Laura.

John and Laura will be attending the April 17th Hopeful Parents Support Group to talk about their adoption journey.  They have also invited waiting parents to contact them at JohnandLauraadopt@gmail.com if they have any questions.

A big thanks to John, Laura and Anna  for allowing us to tell the story of their adoptive family.

Do you have a story you’d like to tell?  Email us at blog.ach@foryourlife.com.  Visit us at www.AChildsHope.com, or call our Birth Mother Hotline at 1-877-890-HOPE (4976) so one of our adoption counselors can answer your questions confidentially.

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