Parenting Education Corner

How to Hold a Newborn Baby | Pampers

How to Swaddle a Baby / Swaddle a Newborn Baby 3 Easy Ways

Parenting Blogs

Great Parenting Books for Waiting Families

All expectant parents, including adoptive parents, need to prepare for a new baby. Parenting books come in a variety of styles and formats.

Holiday Gifts Showcase Diversity: A Gift Guide

As Santa fills your children’s stockings and places those special gifts under the tree, consider multicultural toys and other fun creations including educational experiences.

10 Kid Reads to Spark the Holiday Spirit

Reading is one of the great pleasures, especially during the holidays. A Child’s Hope has a few names up our sleeves of favorites our families have shared, add these to all the traditional titles.

A 5-Step Guide to Accessing Prenatal Care

Prenatal care is crucial for both expecting mothers and the health of their unborn babies. If financial concerns are looming, rest assured that avenues exist to provide support. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help navigate the process.

Adoption Books for Kids – Little Miss Spider

It’s never too early to talk to your little one about being adopted, and there are some great children’s books out there to help. One of our favorites is Little Miss Spider by David Kirk.

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