Since Sean was deployed to Kuwait July 2006 when the opportunity to adopt Anna came along, adoptive mom Maryellen enlisted the help of two good friends when it was time for placement day since Dad couldn’t be there to meet his baby girl for the first time! The placement was videotaped for Sean. Federal express and the military’s JAG were used to get Sean’s signature there in Kuwait on the legal placement documents. Although Anna was 5 months old before Sean got to see her in person, there were plenty of pictures, emails and phone calls before then. It was a great homecoming when he was able to get leave in January 2007 for a visit!
It’s 2012, and Sean, Maryellen and Anna are ready to add another member to their family. Is the birth mother of their next baby reading this blog?
Thanks to Sean, Maryelle and Anna for allowing us to tell the story of their adoptive family.
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