
Celebrating Black History Month with Kids

Black History Month ACHEach February, National Black History Month serves as both a celebration and a powerful reminder that Black history is American history, Black culture is American culture, and Black stories are essential to the ongoing story of America — our faults, our struggles, our progress, and our aspirations. offers resources to talk to kids about the history of people of African descent and pay tribute to the many achievements of Black individuals.

There are a wide variety of books available by age on Amazon.

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Great Parenting Books for Waiting Families

By E. Parker Herring

All expectant parents, including adoptive parents, must prepare for a new baby. Parenting books come in a variety of styles and formats. One author might not appeal to you, while you may find another author’s style and layout very readable.

Recommendations from my library of parenting books:

Touchpointsseries by T. Berry Brazelton M.D., rev. by Joshua D. Sparrow M.D.
This is a two-book collection – “Birth to Three” and “Three to Six.” Dr. Brazelton was a Harvard medical professor and Director of the Children’s Hospital in Boston. The fully updated second edition by Dr. Sparrow includes informative sections on fathering and co-sleeping as well as general childcare.

When I started parenting more than 25 years ago a good friend told me to pick up Dr. Brazelton’s Touchpoints. She said the large print and easily marked age sections would make it easy to find the section I need when I become bleary-eyed from sleep deprivation. She was right. It’s still a great book for new parents and it has been updated and completely revised since its original printing in 1992.

What to Expect the First Year by Heidi Murkoff
This bestselling classic was originally published in 1962. Now in its third edition, it recently went through a line-by-line update. While there are many used versions available, I highly recommend purchasing the recent third edition.

Your Baby and Child by Dr. Penelope Leach
This childcare book has sold over two million copies and is very easy to read. Dr. Leach was educated at Cambridge and is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, as well as a founding member of the UK Branch of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. She is a strong advocate of reading to newborns, toddlers and all ages.

Between Parent and Child by Dr. Haim G. Ginott
This book has been recently revised by the author’s wife, psychologist Dr. Alice Ginott. It talks about how parenting is a skill that anyone can learn. It offers advice on how to respond properly to your child, including how to discipline without making threats, punishment, bribes, or sarcasm. it also discusses how to criticize without being demeaning, and how to acknowledge your child’s feelings.

The No-Cry Sleep Solutionseries by Elizabeth Pantley
This is a three-book collection – “The No-Cry Sleep Solution,” “The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Newborns” and “The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers.” These are must-have books for new parents, as the one thing everyone wants for themselves and their child is sleep, beautiful, wonderful sleep.

On that note, the calming sound of a parent’s voice can often be the best way to quiet a child. Reading “Good Night Moon aloud always put my kids to sleep. Take it easy and don’t let the reading list overwhelm you.

Quick Tip: You don’t have to read any book cover to cover. Nevertheless, you should start by reading the sections on newborn care while waiting to become parents. Leave the remaining chapters as your child grows.

About E. Parker Herring: An attorney and mother of three children, Parker has a deep respect and understanding of family law and the adoption process (for which she’s adopted two children of her own). She is the founder and director of A Child’s Hope, a North Carolina licensed adoption agency located in Raleigh that focuses on helping birth mothers and families looking to adopt. A Child’s Hope has placed nearly 450 children since 2000 and is the only North Carolina domestic adoption agency directed by an attorney. 
**The links shared in this article are for the convenience of the user to preview the books online. A Child’s Hope is not affiliated with, nor does it endorse any specific retailer.

Holiday Gifts Showcase Diversity: A Gift Guide

As Santa fills your children’s stockings and places those special gifts under the tree, consider multicultural toys and other fun creations including educational experiences. Understanding and acceptance is always in demand. For those who have children of color, consider items that best represent the child’s heritage so they can see themselves in the world around them.

With categories for everyone, here are some starters that are fun year-round.

Dylan at 3 years old loved his new doll by Aimee Overstreet. Her shop is called Little Bitty Noggins.

The good news is that toy manufacturers have seen the need and toys are getting more diverse. Mattel recently expanded their popular Barbie doll collection to include a wider variety of skin colors and body shapes, while Lego unveiled a mini-figure in a wheelchair in their “Fun at the Park” building set, the Guardian reported.

Still, other creators are producing toys that encourage children to appreciate the range of diverse physical features that make people unique, as well as see representation that is a more balanced reflection of the world around them. Here’s a look at some of these boundary-crossing toys at And, Target to the rescue for festive home décor and ornaments including Santa and Mrs. Claus!

We hope your family enjoys the holiday season, fills your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with laughter.

About Author E. Parker Herring:
Parker Herring has a deep respect and understanding of family law and the adoption process, through which she adopted two of her children. She is the founder and director of A Child’s Hope, a North Carolina licensed adoption agency located in Raleigh. The agency focuses on working with and supplying support to birth mothers and families looking to adopt. A Child’s Hope has placed more than 450 children since 2000 and is the only North Carolina domestic adoption agency directed by an attorney. Herring has practiced for more than 35 years in the greater Triangle area. She is a member of the N.C. Bar Association, and the Wake County Bar Association.

10 Kid Reads to Spark the Holiday Spirit

Reading is one of the great pleasures, especially during the holidays. With kids in holiday jammies, sometimes there’s nothing better than kicking back in your favorite spot at home with a celebrated book in hand. A Child’s Hope has a few names of kid reads to spark the holiday spirit — favorites our families have shared throughout the years, add these to all the traditional titles. We know that representation matters, and love that Santa comes in many different colors. Snuggle up with your favorite books this year, and soak in the holiday spirit with family and friends.

  1. A World of Cookies for Santa
  2. I got the Christmas Spirit
  3. All the Colors of Christmas
  4. Walk this World at Christmastime
  5. Lil’ Rabbits Kwanzaa
  6. Queen is Hanukkah Dosas
  7. ‘Twas Nochebuena
  8. The Night before Christmas
  9. Let’s Celebrate! Special Days Around the World
  10. A Very Noisy Christmas

A Child’s Hope has placed more than 450 children since 2000 and is the only North Carolina domestic adoption agency directed by an attorney. The agency will celebrate it’s 25 Year in 2025. Learn more about our Waiting Families. 

Contact A Child’s Hope

This guide, provided by A Child’s Hope adoption agency in North Carolina, emphasizes the importance of early detection and proper prenatal care for both maternal and infant health. If you suspect you might be pregnant, don’t hesitate to take a test and seek medical advice, or contact the agency for personalized support.  For a confidential adoption counselor, TEXT PREGNANT to 919-971-4396.

About E. Parker Herring

An attorney and mother of three children, Parker has a deep respect and understanding of family law and the adoption process (for which she’s adopted two children of her own). She is the founder and director of A Child’s Hope, a North Carolina licensed adoption agency located in Raleigh that focuses on matching birth mothers and families looking to adopt. A Child’s Hope has placed 470 children since 2000 and is the only North Carolina domestic adoption agency directed by an attorney. Parker has practiced for more than 35 years in the region. She is a member of the N.C. Bar Association and the Wake County Bar Association.


Shining a Light on Adoption: Celebrating Adoption Awareness Month

November is a special month that shines a spotlight on a journey that forever changes lives – adoption. It’s a time when communities, adoption agencies, and families come together to celebrate Adoption Awareness Month. At A Child’s Hope, we are deeply committed to supporting and promoting the beautiful and loving process of adoption. In this Article, we explore the significance of Adoption Awareness Month, its impact on families, and the importance of advocating for the welfare of babies in need of loving families.

Understanding Adoption Awareness Month

National Adoption Awareness Month has been celebrated since 1976. Its primary aim is to raise awareness about the urgent need for adoptive families for children waiting in the foster care system, but it also serves to honor all forms of adoption. 

The Heart of Adoption: Building Families

Adoption is an extraordinary journey of love, hope, and resilience. For birth parents, it may involve making a deeply emotional and selfless decision to provide a secure and loving home for their child. For adoptive families, it’s about growing your family through adoption.

Supporting Birth Parents and Adoptive Families

At A Child’s Hope, we recognize that the path to adoption is a unique and often emotional journey for birth parents and adoptive families. We are dedicated to offering guidance, support, and expert assistance to help all parties involved make the best decisions for themselves and their children.

The Miracle of Family through Adoption

Adoption creates families that defy cultural, racial, and geographical boundaries. It underscores the belief that family is built on love and acceptance, regardless of differences. Adoptive families come in all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds, beautifully reflecting a diverse society.

Myths Debunked: The Truth about Adoption

Let’s dispel some common myths about adoption:

  1. Adoption is not a second-best choice: It’s a deliberate, wonderful way to grow a family.

  2. Adoption isn’t just for couples facing infertility: It’s open to anyone with the capacity to provide love, care, and stability to a child.

  3. Adoption isn’t a one-time event: It’s an ongoing journey filled with joy, challenges, and personal growth.

The Importance of Open Adoption

Open adoption, a concept gaining popularity, emphasizes maintaining varying degrees of contact and communication between birth parents, adoptive families, and adopted children. This approach fosters trust, understanding, and a strong sense of identity for the child. Children placed in open adoption do not have to fervently search for their biological parents as they grow older because the birth family and the adoptive family have been in touch since the beginning.

Get Involved: Make a Difference

Adoption Awareness MonthAdoption Awareness Month is not only about celebrating adoption but also offering support. 

  • Become an Advocate: Raise awareness about adoption in your community.
  • Consider Adoption: If you’ve ever thought about adoption, now might be the perfect time to explore this journey. Learn more about A Child’s Hope, click here.
  • Support Birth Parents: Empower and support birth parents in their courageous choices.

Adoption Awareness Month is an opportunity to honor the remarkable journey of adoption and the extraordinary families it creates. It’s a time to dispel myths, raise awareness, and encourage more families to open their hearts to the gift of family through adoption. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of children and parents, ensuring that every child finds a loving and nurturing forever home.

Citations and References:

  1. Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2021). National Adoption Month.
  2. Adoption Council. (2021). National Adoption Month 2021.

Are you eating for two? How much weight is too much to gain during pregnancy?

Pregnancy can also bring its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to eating. Many women experience nausea or “morning sickness” and cravings, making it difficult to maintain a healthy diet. However, eating well is crucial for both you and your baby.

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

All women gain weight during pregnancy, and those expecting multiples may gain even more. Keeping snacks handy can help stave off nausea and hunger pangs. Many pregnant women find that saltine crackers and wheat thins help keep their blood sugar levels stable.

How much weight you should gain depends on your pre-pregnancy weight. The American Pregnancy Association provides guidelines for weight gain during pregnancy:

Pre-Pregnancy WeightRecommended Weight Gain
Underweight28-40 pounds
Normal weight25-35 pounds
Overweight15-25 pounds
Obese11-20 pounds

The Mayo Clinic also offers detailed guidelines:

  • Underweight (BMI less than 18.5): Gain 28-40 pounds
  • Normal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9): Gain 25-35 pounds
  • Overweight (BMI 25-29.9): Gain 15-25 pounds
  • Obese (BMI 30 or higher): Gain 11-20 pounds if carrying one baby. For multiples, the recommended weight gain is 25-42 pounds

Most women gain 2-4 pounds during the first trimester (12 weeks) and then about a pound a week thereafter. Larger weight gains typically occur after 20 weeks, directly related to your baby’s growth.

Nutritional Needs

It’s important not to fast or go on highly restrictive diets during pregnancy. Your baby needs sufficient iron to grow, and it’s not uncommon for pregnant women to be iron deficient and require iron infusions.

To ensure you’re getting enough iron, include these foods in your diet:

  • Vegetables: Carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, tomatoes, red and green peppers, Swiss chard, and peas.
  • Fruits: Apples, citrus fruits (oranges, lemons), bananas, kiwi, watermelon, and berries. Avoid pineapple, grapes, and papaya.
  • Proteins: Seafood, red meat, and eggs.

Monitoring Your Weight

Your doctor will weigh you at every prenatal visit. It’s important to discuss your weight gain and ensure you’re within the recommended guidelines. Gaining too much weight can also pose problems during pregnancy, so be mindful of your diet. Remember, your baby is eating everything you eat!

Sources: American Pregnancy Association and Mayor Clinic

Contact A Child’s Hope

This guide, provided by A Child’s Hope adoption agency in North Carolina, emphasizes the importance of early detection and proper prenatal care for both maternal and infant health. If you suspect you might be pregnant, don’t hesitate to take a test and seek medical advice, or contact the agency for personalized care and support. TEXT PREGNANT to 919-971-4396, we are happy to talk to you confidentially.

About E. Parker Herring

About E. Parker Herring: An attorney and mother of three children, Parker has a deep respect and understanding of family law and the adoption process (for which she’s adopted two children of her own). She is the founder and director of A Child’s Hope, a North Carolina licensed adoption agency located in Raleigh that focuses on matching birth mothers and families looking to adopt. A Child’s Hope has placed 470 children since 2000 and is the only North Carolina domestic adoption agency directed by an attorney. For a confidential adoption counselor, TEXT PREGNANT to 919-971-4396.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Month: Supporting Mothers and Families on Their Healing Journey

October marks Pregnancy and Infant Loss Month, a solemn time to recognize mothers who have experienced the profound loss of a pregnancy or an infant. The grief associated with such losses are immeasurable, and it is important to extend support and empathy. What are ways we can offer meaningful support to mothers and families who have endured the heartbreak of losing their babies?

Understanding the Grief of Pregnancy and Infant Loss

Pregnancy and infant loss encompass a range of experiences, including miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death, and infant loss due to various health complications. Each of these losses brings its own unique challenges and complexities. Grieving mothers may go through a rollercoaster of emotions, from sadness and guilt to anger and isolation. Acknowledging and respecting these feelings is the first step in providing meaningful support.  

Resources in NC for Pregnancy and Infant Loss

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Month Matters

Recognizing this month helps create a safe and open space for mothers to share their stories, connect with others who have gone through similar losses, and educate the broader community about the importance of sensitivity and empathy in such difficult circumstances. 

Ways to Extend Support to Grieving Mothers 

  1. Listen Actively: Sometimes, the most powerful support is the gift of a listening ear. Encourage grieving mothers to share their thoughts and emotions without judgment or interruption. Being present and allowing those to express their feelings can be profoundly comforting. 
  1. Choose Words Carefully: Be mindful of your choice of words when interacting with a grieving mother. Avoid clichés or statements that might unintentionally trivialize her pain. Instead, offer words of sympathy and comfort, such as “I’m here for you” and “I’m so sorry for your loss.” 
  1. Remember Significant Dates: Mark important dates like the due date or the anniversary of the loss and reach out to the mother on those days. A simple message or a thoughtful gesture can provide solace during these particularly challenging times. 
  1. Respect Their Healing Process: Grief is a highly individualized journey, and there is no set timetable for healing. Understand that the grieving process can be prolonged and that emotions may resurface unexpectedly. Offer ongoing support, even as time passes. 
  1. Connect to Resources: Inform mothers about available resources such as support groups, therapists, and online communities dedicated to helping parents who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss. Professional help can provide valuable assistance in the healing process. 
  1. Assist with Practical Matters: Offer help with everyday tasks like cooking, cleaning, or childcare to alleviate some of the burdens that grieving mothers may face. Acts of kindness can go a long way in showing your support. 
  1. Create a Memorial: Encourage mothers to create a tangible memorial for their baby, whether it’s a special garden, a photo album, or a personalized keepsake. This can provide a meaningful way for them to honor their child’s memory. 

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Month remind us of the significance of supporting grieving mothers and families as they navigate the challenging journey of loss. By offering empathy, compassion, and practical assistance, we can help these mothers heal and honor the memory of their beloved babies. Let us embrace this month as an opportunity to raise awareness, promote understanding, and extend a helping hand to those who need it most, citing valuable resources along the way. 


Baby Safety Month: Top Tips for Ensuring Infant Safety

September is Baby Safety Month! We will explore 4 tips for keeping your baby safe.

     1. Safe Sleep Practices

Creating a safe sleep environment is fundamental for your infant’s safety. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends the following guidelines for safe sleep:

  • Alone: Always place your baby in their crib, bassinet, or portable crib alone, with no pillows, blankets, or toys.
  • Back: Lay your baby on their back for all sleep times to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
  • Crib: Ensure your baby’s sleep space meets safety standards, including a firm and flat mattress.


     2. Childproof Your Home

Childproofing your home is essential as your baby grows more mobile. Watch for broken toys, make sure the pieces are larger in size. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a comprehensive guide to childproofing your home, covering topics like preventing falls, securing furniture, and keeping hazardous items out of reach. Preventing your baby from choking on small objects is at the top of the list. And, remember soft snacks only that are easy to swallow.


    3. Car Seat Safety and Baby Gates

Proper car seat use is non-negotiable for infant safety during travel. Look up resources in your local community for help if you have questions. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) provides guidelines on selecting and installing the right car seat and keeping your child rear-facing for as long as recommended.  As your baby begins to crawl, Baby gates can be heavily employed to keep babies away from the many things that pose hazards to them – drawers with sharp objects, rooms with open electrical sockets, pools, and more.

    4. Regular Check ups

Don’t forget regular pediatric check-ups are essential for your baby’s well-being. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends a schedule of well-child visits to monitor your baby’s growth and development.


Baby Safety Month is a time to recommit ourselves to the safety and well-being of our infants. Whether you are adopting a newborn or welcoming a baby into your family by birth, these safety tips are crucial to a secure environment. Prioritizing safety allows you to fully enjoy the joys of parenthood while giving your child the best possible start in life.

I am Pregnant, But Who is the Father?

Discovering you’re pregnant can be overwhelming, especially when questions arise about the baby’s father. Understanding your situation and exploring next steps can help bring clarity and peace of mind during this uncertain time.

Initial Steps to Determine Paternity

Once you find out you are pregnant and have been given a due date, it’s important to think back and remember who you were having sex with at the time of conception. If there is more than one potential biological father, don’t feel ashamed. Not every woman with an unplanned pregnancy can automatically name with certainty who the biological father is.

Determining the Date of Conception

To figure out who the father might be, start by determining the dates you conceived. The conception period can help you narrow down the potential biological fathers. To determine the time period of conception, take your due date and count backwards 240 days. For example, if your due date is January 5, 2024, counting backwards gives you the approximate date of conception as May 10, 2023. While this method is not foolproof, it can help identify potential birth fathers.

Contacting Potential Fathers

Once you have a general idea of the conception date, write down the names of any men you had sexual intercourse with during that time period. Review your phone calendar and call records to be thorough. Contact the potential birth fathers to inform them of the pregnancy and why you think they might be the father.

Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test (NIPP)

If you or the potential fathers are uncertain about paternity, consider a Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test (NIPP). This test is safe for both the mother and the fetus, requiring only a blood sample from the mother and a cheek swab from the potential father. The test analyzes free-floating fetal DNA from the mother’s blood and compares it with the DNA of the potential father. The cost ranges from $1,600 to $2,000, and results typically take about one week and are highly accurate, providing at least a 99.9% probability of paternity​.

RESOURCES: (American Pregnancy Association)​​ (DDC DNA Tests)​​ (DDC DNA Tests)​​ (DDC DNA Tests)​.

It’s important to do what you can to sort this paternity issue out before you deliver. Whether you plan to parent or place the child for adoption, you want to know who the biological father is and inform him of the pregnancy. In North Carolina, the birth father’s consent is required if he has supported you during the pregnancy and acknowledged that the baby is his.

Importance of Resolving Paternity Issues and Legal Considerations

If you decide to make an adoption plan for your unborn child, you can ask the biological father to sign consents before the child’s birth. In most states, including North Carolina, biological fathers can give consent for the placement of the unborn child ahead of time. These documents need to be prepared by an attorney or an agency.

One of the benefits of working with an adoption agency is that agency counselors can communicate with the birth father if you request. At A Child’s Hope, for example, your adoption counselor will meet with the potential birth father to explain adoption. However, it’s best if you discuss the pregnancy with him first. If he agrees to the adoption, the agency can assist with the necessary consents.

Although you have several months to address the paternity issue, the sooner you start, the faster it will be resolved. Knowing the biological father is crucial, whether you plan to parent or place the child for adoption.

For more information on prenatal testing, consult a reputable laboratory or your healthcare provider.


Contact A Child’s Hope

This guide, provided by A Child’s Hope adoption agency in North Carolina, emphasizes the importance of early detection and proper prenatal care for both maternal and infant health. If you suspect you might be pregnant, don’t hesitate to take a test and seek medical advice, or contact the agency for personalized care and support. TEXT PREGNANT to 919-971-4396, we are happy to talk to you confidentially.

About E. Parker Herring

About E. Parker Herring: An attorney and mother of three children, Parker has a deep respect and understanding of family law and the adoption process (for which she’s adopted two children of her own). She is the founder and director of A Child’s Hope, a North Carolina licensed adoption agency located in Raleigh that focuses on matching birth mothers and families looking to adopt. A Child’s Hope has placed 470 children since 2000 and is the only North Carolina domestic adoption agency directed by an attorney. For a confidential adoption counselor, TEXT PREGNANT to 919-971-4396.

When Will I Feel My Baby Move and Learn the Sex?

For some women, a pregnancy doesn’t seem real until they learn the sex of the baby and start to feel the baby kick and move. The timing of these experiences can vary among women, with ranges for determining the sex of the baby and feeling the baby’s movements for the first time.

Feeling the Baby Move

Pregnant women feel their baby’s kicks and movements at different times during pregnancy. For most women, the first movements, known as “quickening,” are felt between 18 and 22 weeks. If this is not your first pregnancy, you may feel your baby move and/or kick earlier than 22 weeks.

As the pregnancy progresses, it’s important for the mother to stay in tune with the baby’s movements and be alert if there is a time when the baby stops moving or kicking. Regularly tracking the baby’s movements can provide reassurance and help identify any potential concerns early on.

Determining the Baby’s Sex

For most women, the gender of the baby is determined during the anatomy ultrasound, which is usually performed between 18 and 24 weeks of pregnancy. Ultrasound technicians are trained to examine the genitalia of the fetus to determine gender. These ultrasounds are a routine part of prenatal care.

There are also other diagnostic tools available to determine the gender of an unborn child before 18 weeks. Some women opt for a blood test done between 11 and 14 weeks. Blood tests are approximately accurate in predicting the baby’s sex by measuring the amount of certain markers in the blood.

Gender identity during pregnancy is also possible through a procedure known as CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling), a test primarily used to detect genetic disorders. This test can also provide information about the baby’s gender.

Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

Before you start feeling the baby move or learn the baby’s sex, there are early signs and symptoms of pregnancy to be aware of, including missed periods, nausea, fatigue, and breast tenderness. These symptoms can vary in intensity and duration among women.

Importance of Prenatal Care

Regular prenatal care is crucial for monitoring the health and development of both the mother and the baby. Prenatal visits typically include ultrasounds, blood tests, and discussions about the mother’s health and any concerns. Staying informed and attending all scheduled appointments can help ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Understanding when you might feel your baby move and learn their sex can help make the pregnancy feel more real and exciting. Each pregnancy is unique, and these milestones can vary. It’s always best to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized information and guidance during your pregnancy journey. Regular prenatal care and being attentive to your baby’s movements can contribute to a healthy and positive pregnancy experience.

Contact A Child’s Hope

This guide, provided by A Child’s Hope adoption agency in North Carolina, emphasizes the importance of early detection and proper prenatal care for both maternal and infant health. If you suspect you might be pregnant, don’t hesitate to take a test and seek medical advice, or contact the agency for personalized care and support. TEXT PREGNANT to 919-971-4396, we are happy to talk to you confidentially.

About E. Parker Herring

About E. Parker Herring: An attorney and mother of three children, Parker has a deep respect and understanding of family law and the adoption process (for which she’s adopted two children of her own). She is the founder and director of A Child’s Hope, a North Carolina licensed adoption agency located in Raleigh that focuses on matching birth mothers and families looking to adopt. A Child’s Hope has placed 470 children since 2000 and is the only North Carolina domestic adoption agency directed by an attorney. For a confidential adoption counselor, TEXT PREGNANT to 919-971-4396.

Birthmother Hotline: (877) 890-4673

Envia Un Texto: (919) 218-6270

Text: Pregnant to (919) 971-4396