
Filled With Love!

Tony and Mary Kay had suffered some significant losses before adoption brought Joel into their lives. Their daughter Maria was just 3.5 months old when a drunk driver slammed into Mary Kay’s car, injuring her and killing their daughter who was in a car seat in the back.   The accident left a big hole in their hearts, and they grieved immensely. To cope with her loss, Mary Kay started creating jeweled mobiles for gifts. Each mobile was a hand-crafted jeweled star connected to two other stars, symbolizing Maria as the bright start that she was.

Tony and Mary Kay didn’t want their daughter, Nora, to grow up without a sibling.  So in 2005, Tony and Mary Kay signed with A Child’s Hope to adopt another child. They were very open about race and gender and special needs, and they had a brief wait before a birth mother chose them to parent her child.  In 2005, a newborn boy was placed with them for adoption, and they named him Joel.

Today Joel is 6 years old, active and spirited, and he loves to dance.  Although the family will never forget the child they lost so suddenly, giving unconditional love to Joel has helped them heal and grow as a family.

Thanks to Tony, Mary Kay, Nora and Joel for allowing us to tell the story of their adoptive family.

Do you have a story you’d like to tell?  Email us at  Visit us at, or call our Birth Mother Hotline at 1-877-890-HOPE (4976) so one of our adoption counselors can answer your questions confidentially.

Please remember that this is a public site open to anyone; therefore, anything you post can be seen by anyone.

When Do I Tell My Child?

One of the questions we hear at lot at A Child’s Hope is, “When do I tell my child he or she is adopted?”  It’s a question that deserves serious consideration.

 For the most part, gone are the days when adoptees reach adulthood before being told they are adopted. Nowadays adoptive parents are encouraged to talk to a child from the start about being adopted. There is a story well known in adoption circles about an adoptive family leaving the agency office with a beautiful baby on placement day. The adoptive parents turn to the adoption social worker and ask “When should we tell him he’s adopted?” The social worker laughs and says, “On the way home!” At A Child’s Hope, we believe in open adoption.  The birth parents know who the adoptive parents are; the adoptive parents know who the birth parents are.  And most importantly, the child knows who the birth parents are as well.  Most adoptive parents use some of the popular adoption children’s books to explain the adoption connection. Actress Jamie Lee Curtis penned one of the most famous books, “Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born.”   Birth mothers are encouraged to write letters to the child they are placing and to also consider doing a Lifebook, which is a scrapbook telling the child about his/her biological roots.
We’re here to help at A Child’s Hope.  Do you have a story you’d like to tell?  Email us at  Visit us at, or call our Birth Mother Hotline at 1-877-890-HOPE (4976) so one of our adoption counselors can answer your questions confidentially.

Please remember that this is a public site open to anyone; therefore, anything you post can be seen by anyone.

Room for One More!

Mike and Jonna had always planned to have a traditional Catholic family with at least three children, but Mother Nature wouldn’t cooperate. They turned to adoption to give their son Caleb and daughter Aubrey a sibling. Jonna is a stay-at-home mom who teachers Sunday school and volunteers in Scouts, and Mike is a Director with a major manufacturing firm who spends his of- work hours doing activities with his family.  Adoption is a loving way to grow a family, and Mike, Jonna, Caleb and Aubrey are patiently waiting and saving room for one more!

Thanks to Mike, Jonna and their kids for allowing us to tell the story of their adoptive family.

Do you have a story you’d like to tell?  Email us at  Visit us at, or call our Birth Mother Hotline at 1-877-890-HOPE (4976) so one of our adoption counselors can answer your questions confidentially.

Please remember that this is a public site open to anyone; therefore, anything you post can be seen by anyone.

Adoption in a Flash!

Angi and Hunter received the call that changed their lives in the fall of 2007.   A 19-year-old woman with an unplanned pregnancy called the birth mother hotline the day before she gave birth.  The adoption counselor planned to meet with the girl and her boyfriend the next day, but before they could meet, the girl went to the hospital to be induced due to high blood pressure.  The birth parents looked at profiles in the hospital and chose Angi and Hunter to parent the baby girl.  The birth parents wanted to wait until later to have a formal meeting, and they were not sure when they would be ready to do that.  But would Angi and Hunter be able to accept placement without meeting the birth parents?  The answer was YES!

After three weeks , the birth parents and adoptive parents finally met, and they immediately bonded. Initially all parties said that they didn’t want to stay in contact, but now they have a fully open adoption and have met  six times.  Addie is  four and loves to hear the story of how her parents had less than a week’s notice before taking her home!  Addie loves to hear the story about how she was in her birth mother’s tummy and that her birth parents chose Angie and Hunter to be her forever family.  When Addie sees her birth parents she always greets them with a big hug and kiss and immediately begins telling them about everything she has done since their last visit.  Angi and Hunter consider Addie’s birth parents as part of the family and are so thankful to have an open adoption.

Thanks to Angi, Hunter and Addie for allowing us to tell the story of their adoptive family.

Do you have a story you’d like to tell?  Email us at  Visit us at, or call our Birth Mother Hotline at 1-877-890-HOPE (4976) so one of our adoption counselors can answer your questions confidentially.

Please remember that this is a public site open to anyone; therefore, anything you post can be seen by anyone.


Open Adoption Is In!

I have written before about how much I prefer the idea open adoption over the old adoption model (Who Likes Unanswered Questions, October, 2011).  Apparently, I’m not the only one.  According to Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute, “closed” adoptions have decreased to about 5%, and adoptive parents report positive experiences with more openness in the process.

All of our waiting couples have agreed to participate in an open or semi-open adoption.  Hats off to all our waiting families for being open to this exciting concept!

Thanks to the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute for publishing their findings.

Do you have a story you’d like to tell?  Email us at  Visit us at, or call our Birth Mother Hotline at 1-877-890-HOPE (4976) so one of our adoption counselors can answer your questions confidentially.

Please remember that this is a public site open to anyone; therefore, anything you post can be seen by anyone.

It’s Strawberry Picking Time!

Its Strawberry Picking Time! Neva and Marco (soon to be four and five and a half) had a blast this month at a local Strawberry Picking farm!

Sam and Kendra were thrilled when a 40-year-old woman with an unplanned pregnancy chose them to parent her newborn son, whom they named Marco. Sam and Kendra sent a dozen yellow roses to the hospital for the birth mother. And then 20 months later, they travelled to Texas to adopt another newborn, whom they named Neva. Although Neva and Marco do not have a biological connection, they are in every other sense of the word, true brother and sister.

Thanks to Sam, Kendra, Neva and Marco for allowing us to tell the story of their adoptive family.

Do you have a story you’d like to tell?  Email us at  Visit us at, or call our Birth Mother Hotline at 1-877-890-HOPE (4976) so one of our adoption counselors can answer your questions confidentially.

Please remember that this is a public site open to anyone; therefore, anything you post can be seen by anyone.

Adoption Overload – Triplets!

In 2001, Ken and Melinda took a leap of faith and travelled to upstate New York for the birth of triplets.  The babies were carried by a beautiful 20-year-old woman of Italian descent who contacted A Child’s Hope because she had not been able to find an adoptive family for all three boys in one home. The healthy babies were born at 36 weeks and only had a brief hospital stay. The boys’ middle names were chosen to honor their uncles and grandfather.  Melinda, captain of her college swim team, now has her own “relay team”! The boys, who turned 11 in April, are happy, healthy, and thriving!

Thanks to Ken, Melinda and the boys for allowing us to tell the story of their adoptive family.

Do you have a story you’d like to tell?  Email us at  Visit us at, or call our Birth Mother Hotline at 1-877-890-HOPE (4976) so one of our adoption counselors can answer your questions confidentially.

Please remember that this is a public site open to anyone; therefore, anything you post can be seen by anyone.

There’s Always a Plan

One of the things I keep seeing demonstrated since I’ve become more active with A Child’s Hope is that there’s a plan for every adoptive family.  Whether you believe in the Christian God, Allah, a conscious Universe – whatever you call to choose that force out there that ties seemingly random events into a unified whole – there is a plan, and it is AWESOME!!

Take Birth Mother Donna (name changed for privacy).  She had chosen adoptive parents out of North Carolina, but that situation fell through.  We were peripherally involved in her case, so she chose our agency to help her.  In the past week, she had a match meeting with one set of parents, who decided against going forward with her.  She’s very close to term…VERY close.  In fact, the doctors “stripped her membranes” on Monday, so she really should have given birth already.  But she didn’t.

Donna reviewed more profiles and chose another couple.  They had a match meeting yesterday, and it went beautifully!  Now it’s Friday morning, and she’s gone into labor.  Apparently that baby was just waiting to meet his or her adoptive parents.

Random events?  Maybe.  But I don’t think so, and you’ll never convince me otherwise.

Do you have a story you’d like to tell?  Email me at  Visit us at, or call our Birth Mother Hotline at 1-877-890-HOPE (4976) so one of our adoption counselors can answer your questions confidentially.

Please remember that this is a public site open to anyone; therefore, anything you post can be seen by anyone.

I Love Placement Days!

I absolutely love placement day, especially when it’s in the office.  The new parents leave with their baby, and everyone is smiling and happy.  I imagine things can be more difficult with the placement of older children, but yesterday’s placement of three-year-old twins seemed to go as perfectly as anything possibly can.

Our Adoption Counselor said, “After placement, [the birth mother] was all smiles and said she just feels very comfortable with her decision, and is so thankful [the adoptive parents] are open-minded about taking older children and they all seem so happy. ”

Life is hard in different ways for everyone, but good things do happen…like they did yesterday!

Congratulations to our latest new family!

Who Likes Unanswered Questions? (Part 2)

In my last piece we determined that I don’t like unanswered questions.  I’m still operating on the assumption that you don’t either.  So let’s talk about the reasons to consider open or semi-open adoption.

There are so many good reasons to consider open or semi-open adoption.  In a study called “Bridging the Divide: Openness in Adoption and Post-Adoption Psychsocial Adjustment Among Birth and Adoptive Parents” published in the 2008 Journal of Family Psychology (, researchers found that “the degree of openness in adoption was significantly and positively associated with satisfaction with the adoption process shortly after the adoptive placement.  Increased openness was also significantly related to better post-placement adjustment of birth mothers.”  And in a study called “Open Adoption of Infants: Adoptive Parents’ Feelings Seven Years Later” published in Social Work, Vol. 48, number 3, July 2003 (, researchers found that, “Every respondent (100 percent) agreed that ‘my child is better off because she or he has access to her or his birth parent.’”

You can see other studies listed on the right of the above pages under “Related citations,” but to summarize, birth mothers who participate in adoption planning for placement in open situations are more likely to seek support, utilize counseling resources, and to establish and follow through with prenatal care and often feel a stronger sense of commitment toward their adoption plan.  The continued opportunity to hear that a child is doing well impacts a birth parent’s ability to feel reassured about and at peace with their adoption decision.  And in the genuine form of open adoption, birth parents are permitted to have direct contact with the child and have the opportunity to speak for themselves in answering any questions the child has about their adoption, their ethnic background or their health background.

For the adoptive parents, having been chosen by the birthparents helps them feel entitled to parent, which helps insure attachment and bonding with the child. Having established a relationship with the birth parents can help reduce fears, guilt or insecurities felt by the adoptive parents related to the adoption.

The advantages for the adoptive child include an opportunity to reduce unknowns, allowing the adoptee to feel good not only about where he/she is, but also where he/she came from. Open adoption allows the child to witness and experience the love felt for them by their birth parent(s) and provides pathways for the child to obtain information about their birth family which goes beyond the medical and social history of the birth parents and birth family.

The list of positives for all parties goes on and on, but to my way of thinking, the most important reason is the availability of family medical history that isn’t available in closed adoptions.  Yes, birth mothers fill out forms with family medical history, and the same information is obtained from birth fathers when possible.  But is it complete?  Has she remembered everything you need to know?  Ten years later, has anything changed?

What if your child is in the emergency room with an unidentified illness, and the doctors think it might be a genetic problem?  They want more information about the family history, but you don’t have it since your child’s adoption was closed.  Or now your child is an adult, and the doctor is trying to assess the risk of breast cancer or heart attack, but that assessment is incomplete because a more current family history isn’t available.

(My mind can come up with all sorts of scary scenarios.  I won’t do that to you here – as a parent you’ll be able to come up with enough of your own.  Trust me!)

But if you chose open adoption, you could call or email the birth mother to get the information.  If you chose semi-open, you would still have access to the information, but it would take time to get it since contact is through the Agency.  Either way, you can get the information needed for your child’s health.  With a closed adoption, you can’t, period.  You’ve closed that door.

Thanks go out to Laura Kladis, MSW, our Adoption Counselor/Supervisor.  She teaches a class for adoptive parents on the benefits of open adoption, and the information for this blog is from her class materials.

At A Child’s Hope, we offer semi-open and open adoptions.  Since 2000 we have successfully placed over 250 children into loving homes.  If you are pregnant, call one of our counselors at 1-877-890-HOPE (4673) while you are considering your options.  There’s no obligation, and all calls are confidential.

So what about you – Do you like unanswered questions?  Tell us what you think.

What is your adoption story?  We’d love to hear it!   Email your story to  Visit us at, or call our Birth Mother Hotline at 1-877-890-HOPE (4976) so one of our adoption counselors can answer your questions confidentially.

Birthmother Hotline: (877) 890-4673

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